Study Tours

91³ÉÈ˶ÌÊÓƵ host a range of study tours throughout the year. We have hosted study tours from Japan, China, Korea and Thailand, and provide opportunities for students to experience our amazing college in both primary and secondary settings.

Study tours range in length from 2 – 10 weeks. The programme is flexible so that the individual requirements of each tour group can be met, and we work closely with agents to provide a high quality programme.

Study tours include intensive written and oral English lessons and excursions in and around Adelaide involving cultural activities such as visits to wildlife parks and Adelaide CBD.

We are also able to integrate some classes with local students to enhance their school experience in Australia.

Homestay families are chosen carefully by the international team at our school.  We take pride knowing our host families are caring and very supportive. They support each student to get the most out of their experience. Students will have a school buddy who will meet with them at recess time and lunch time assisting them around the school, and a certificate will be given at the completion of the programme.

Read more about becoming a homestay family below:

Read the latest International News here.

Japan Trip

Years 8-12

Day – 2 week trip

Term – Term 3 school holidays

Where: Tokyo, Kyoto, Hiroshima and Ushiku, Japan

The Japan Trip runs in alternate years and allows any student in Years 8-12 with a keen interest in Japanese and Japanese culture to experience the very best of Japan. Students will visit major cities including Tokyo, Kyoto and Hiroshima visiting famous temples and shrines and also have one day in Disneyland. Following this, students participate in a 5-7 day Study Tour at Ushiku High School, experiencing a range of cultural classes and clubs and stay with a Japanese family.

Liaoning Shiyan High School – International Symposium

Years 9-11

Day-  10 day trip

Terms: 2

Where: Shenyan, Liaoning Province, China

91³ÉÈ˶ÌÊÓƵ’s International Partnership School The North School of Liaoning Province Shiyan High School in Shenyang China host an International Symposium in which students from across the globe collaborate together to discuss, analyse and solve real-world issues. The Symposium is open to students in years 9-11 in which the successful applicants will represent our college at the Symposium. Opportunities to travel to Beijing to visit the Forbidden City, Summer Palace and Great Wall of China may also be provided.