
Homestay Program

Is there room in your home to host a high school student visiting South Australia for 1-2 weeks or longer? Few volunteer activities will be as deeply satisfying and emotionally rewarding as supporting a young person, caring for them, making them feel welcome and giving them a taste of Australian life. Many families go on to develop lasting relationships with students and their families.

Homestay families and financially compensated for hosting and supported 24/7 by our International team during their time as a host.

If you are interested in becoming a host family, please contact our International office on 8329 2377 or email International @ REC

Read the latest International News here.

Homestay Information Brochure

What is it Like to Host an International Student?


Walker Family

Being a host parent to an International Student can be an educational, cultural and rewarding experience. These students come and live with an expectation of improving their English and to experience life in another country.

For us the host parents, we learn about life in another country and the cultural differences. It’s a great opportunity to share your life with a person you would not normally share with. Once these students become part of your family your house will never be the same. The relationships you build even make changes in your own life. You build awareness by becoming more attentive and interested in things larger than your own household. You learn things you probably would never had the chance to but more importantly you get to share a journey and mentor a student who wants to make the most of a unique opportunity. At times is may even teach us how to be better parents and even change our thoughts about what could we do to improve things.

Have you ever considered hosting an International student? We took the challenge and our lives have never been the same. A wealth of experience and people we will never forget.


Wall Family

Being a homestay family is an enriching experience. You share the joy of seeing these young people gain confidence in their use of the English language and develop new skills during their time at our schools. You develop long lasting friendships, learn about another culture and share your culture with them.

We have had students from various countries for a few weeks through to a full school year. Together we have baked a cake, watched a movie, and made sushi, gone shopping, sightseeing, holidaying, camping and a host of other experiences. If you have a spare room and a bed with time in your family for a new young friend, give it a go.